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Bloom Remover 5Ltr

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Product Details


Bloom Remover


Removes efflorescence (whitening) from under solvent based acrylic sealer films.

Solvent based sealants may "bloom" should damp or moisture be present, before full cure has taken place.

Solvents are released through the cure that normally permeate through the sealer, however if the sealant is applied too thickly the solvent can be trapped or the substrate is damp or cold, blooming may occur, giving the appearance of milky white or silvery cloud effect, this may look patchy or spotty in certain areas or across the whole driveway or patio


The surface must be completely dry.


Do not apply in temperatures below 5°C or above 25°C.

The product should not be subjected to extreme temperatures until completely dry.
Apply using a soft broom.
The surface should be dry in 2-4 hours.
Do not traffic for 24-48 hours after application.
Treats approx' 4m² per litre.
This product should be used without thinning down.
Ensure that all traces of "blooming" have gone before resealing.

Suitable for – residential, commercial or industrial customers.

Coverage:- 10 - 15 m2 depending on thickness of the sealer and number of coats previously applied, as well as the application method.

Summit Coatings manufacture and supply a comprehensive range of high quality driveway and patio sealers both solvent and water based sealers.

Manufactured at an ISO 9001 accredited facility.

Summit Coatings offer a range of specially formulated sealers, used extensively around the world since 1989.

Based on over 30 years experience we have now developed a range remedial products for repairing pattern imprinted concrete driveways, block paving, patios and paths.

Use Re-seal Bloom Remover to rejuvenate the sealer on pattern imprinted concrete driveways, patios or paths.

Summit Coatings RE-SEAL imprinted concrete sealer Bloom Remover

is ready to use supplied in 5ltr UN approved tins to comply with road transport regulations.

Simply give the can a shake before opening and pour into container suitable for brush or roller application.

Instructions for use

We recommend that you do a small test area, as the thickness and number of coats of sealer previously applied will affect the performance of the bloom remover. Using a paint brush apply to the test area, the whiteness should instantly disappear. Leave for at least a day to ensure the whiteness does not reappear, if it does repeat process until it does not come back. You can the reseal using one of our sealer range.

Compatible with all of our products range.

The surface must be completely dry before application, RE-SEAL Bloom Remover applied to wet surfaces will turn white.

Must be applied at a minimum temperature of 10°C. Ambient temperature

should not fall below 5°C during the drying time.

Maximum slab temperature on application should not exceed 25°C.

Do not apply over damp surfaces or when high moisture content in the air.

(Winter months after 3.00pm).

Apply using a roller or soft broom, allow 4 - 5hrs drying time before opening to foot traffic and 72hrs before opening to vehicular traffic.

Health & Safety: Wear suitable clothing, gloves and eye protection.

This material contains solvents and should only be used in well ventilated areas.

Face masks must be worn. No naked flames or sparks. No smoking.

Notice: Summit Coatings Ltd only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proved to be defective.

User shall determine the suitability in connection therewith.


Notice: Summit Coatings only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of product proved to be defective. User shall determine the suitability in connection therewith. Since the product is used under conditions beyond the control of the manufacturer, these materials must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Data sheets available on request.

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